Monday, October 25, 2010

Rosanne Cash Quinoa Tweet

I am starting a new category on the blog I call "celebrity quinoa" where I will highlight any celebrity connections or references to quinoa.

Rosanne Cash tweeted today about her first experience with quinoa, cooked with cranberries and scallions.

I tweeted back to Ms. Cash that she could visit my blog for quinoa recipes and she responded. Apparently Ms. Cash is an active tweeter and responsive to her following.

I don't know if that means she stopped by my blog, but I like the warm feeling I get thinking that Rosanne Cash tweeted directly to me. Social media works.

And who knows? Maybe some day Ms. Cash will stop by and share her quinoa recipe.

note added 3/17/11 - One month later, Rosanne Cash shared her Quinoa Carrot Cake recipe.

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You may also follow @keenonquinoa on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahah! I love that she tweeted back. Yeah, some celebrities do check their tweets. But I feel like the less main stream ones are more likely to do so. B well!
